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Power BI Tips Blog Series

Power BI Tips Blog Series

Here is a complete list and respective links to all of our Power BI blogs

  1. Introduction to Power BI
  2. Excel vs. Power BI – when to use which?
  3. When should we use Power BI and when should we use Excel?
  4. Which Power BI should I use?
  5. Get Data – Connecting to Different Data Sources
  6. Excel-sior - Part 1
  7. Excel-sior Part 2
  8. Excel-sior Part 3
  9. Text isn't Limiting! - Part 1
  10. Text isn't Limiting! - Part 2
  11. Text isn't Limiting! - Part 3
  12. Text isn't Limiting! - Part 4
  13. Text isn't Limiting! - Part 5
  14. Xenagogue to Markup Lists - Part 1
  15. Xenagogue to Markup Lists - Part 2
  16. Xenagogue to Markup Lists - Part 3
  17. Just Speculate Over Numbers - Part 1
  18. Just Speculate Over Numbers - Part 2
  19. Just Speculate Over Numbers - Part 3
  20. Just Speculate Over Numbers - Part 4
  21. Just Speculate Over Numbers – Part 5
  22. Just Speculate Over Numbers – Part 6
  23. Just Speculate Over Numbers - Part 7
  24. Just Speculate Over Numbers – Part 8
  25. Top 5 Things in Power Bi That You Probably Aren’t Using (and Really Want to Use!)
  26. Access-ible Data - Part 1
  27. Access-ible Data - Part 2
  28. SumProduct in Seattle!
  29. Access-ible Data - Part 3
  30. Upgraded Quick Insights
  31. Quality of Life Improvements
  32. Quality of Life Improvements 2
  33. Conditional Formatting Improvements
  34. URLs in Measures
  35. Tooltip Reports
  36. Q&A Power BI Desktop
  37. Q&A Row Level Security
  38. M Intellisense
  39. Visting Ideas
  40. Visiting Ideas 2 – DAX editor
  41. Visiting Ideas 3 – Custom Visuals template
  42. Visiting Ideas 4 – Dynamic date slicer
  43. Using OneDrive and Setting Up Automatic Updates
  44. Using OneDrive and Setting Up Automatic Updates – Part 2
  45. Data Profiling
  46. Using OneDrive and Setting up Automatic Updates - .xls Files
  47. Power BI Gateway
  48. Get Data from PDFs
  49. New Course Development
  50. Row Level Security
  51. Keyboard Shortcuts
  52. Microsoft Ignite | The Tour Singapore
  53. Microsoft Teams
  54. Excel Publish to Power BI
  55. Custom URLs in Table Visualisations
  56. Publishing to Teams
  57. Key Influencers
  58. Key Influencers Top Segments
  59. Practical Influences
  60. Custom Visuals – Box and Whisker Chart
  61. Custom Visuals - Histograms
  62. Custom Visuals – Summary Table
  63. Custom Visuals – Infographic Designer
  64. New Model Tab
  65. New Highlighting and Filtering Icons
  66. Data Profiling Generally Available
  67. Key Influencers - Continuous Variables
  68. Get Data from Exchange
  69. Waterfall Charts
  70. New Web Table from Inference
  71. Restaurant Selector
  72. Performance Analyzer
  73. Key Influencers Binning
  74. Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2019
  75. June 2019 Update New Interface
  76. Waffle Chart
  77. Waffle Chart (cont'd)
  78. Mekko Chart
  79. Mekko Chart (cont'd)
  80. Floor Plan
  81. Excel Summit South 2019
  82. New Filters Pane
  83. New Transform - Split Column by Positions
  84. Real-time Forms to Dashboard
  85. Power KPI
  86. Copy vs. Export Data from Power BI Desktop
  87. Sankey Chart
  88. Colour Formatting Tips
  89. Colour Formatting Tips – Conditional Formatting for Column Charts
  90. Colour Formatting Tips – Conditional Formatting for Tables
  91. New Default Themes for Power BI Desktop
  92. Dynamic Headings Based on Slicer Selection
  93. Dynamic Images Based on Slicer Selection
  94. Sydney’s Register of Food Penalty Notices
  95. Sydney’s Register of Food Penalty Notices – Part 2
  96. Sydney’s Register of Food Penalty - Part 3
  97. Sydney’s Register of Food Penalty Notices – Part 4
  98. Sydney’s Register of Food Penalty Notices – Part 5
  99. New Web Table Inference (Black Friday Special)
  100. Sydney’s Register of Food Penalty Notices – Part 6
  101. Creating a Dynamic Calendar Table
  102. Presenting Several Measures on a Single Visualisation
  103. Dynamic Visualisation Titles
  104. Combo Charts
  105. Bullet Charts
  106. Creating Tables in Power BI
  107. Creating Summary Tables in Power BI
  108. Custom Visuals – the Hierarchy Tree
  109. Custom Visuals – the Hierarchy Tree Continued
  110. Custom Visuals – the Hierarchy Tree Advanced Editor
  111. Impact Bubble Chart
  112. Power BI Report Builder – Part 1 (Importing Data)
  113. Power BI Report Builder – Part 2
  114. Power BI Report Builder – Part 3 (Editing Print Layouts)
  115. Power BI Report Builder – Part 4 (Creating Charts)
  116. Power BI Report Builder – Part 5
  117. Power BI Report Builder – Part 6 (Using Parameters)
  118. Power BI Report Builder – Part 7 (Built-in Fields)
  119. Dark Themes
  120. Gauge Charts
  121. Personalize Visuals (Preview)
  122. Hierarchical Filters
  123. Custom Visualizations – Funnel/Pyramid Chart
  124. Custom Visualizations; Funnel/Pyramid Chart Formatting
  125. Conditionally Formatting Negative Numbers
  126. Conditionally Formatting from Text
  127. Conditionally Formatting Brackets with Negatives
  128. Dual Axis Line Chart
  129. The COALESCE Function
  130. Custom Button Page Navigation
  131. Dynamic Page Selector Navigation
  132. {Missing Field or Column Breaking Query}, No Problem!
  133. Importing Fonts into Power BI
  134. Rampant Column Widths
  135. Summarising the Top Two Countries in a Dataset
  136. Renaming Fields in a Custom Hierarchy
  137. Creating Custom Hierarchies
  138. Summarising the Top N Number of Cities in a Dataset
  139. Displaying Multiple Slicer Selections on Cards
  140. Calculating Cumulative Totals for Time Periods
  141. Ordering Slicer Selections on Cards
  142. Dealing with Overflow on Cards
  143. Introducing ISFILTERED
  144. Revisiting Formatting Negative Numbers with Brackets
  145. Dynamically Calculating Cumulative Metrics with the ALLSELECTED Function
  146. Text Data Groups
  147. Group Type – Bin (Grouping Numerical Values in Power BI)
  148. Analysing our Bins
  149. Extending Report Page Size
  150. Managing Slicers
  151. Setting Up Custom ToolTips
  152. Using Display Folders
  153. Canvas Watermarks
  154. Anomaly Detection
  155. New Year, New Icons
  156. Zoom Sliders
  157. Power BI on Teams
  158. Bulk Measure Format Reassignment
  159. Custom Field Formatting
  160. Easier Dynamic Heading Based on Time Slicer
  161. Dynamic Headings for In-Between Variables
  162. Different Coloured Columns in a Chart
  163. Different Coloured Columns in a Stacked Column Chart
  164. Dealing with an Excessive Number of Categories
  165. Ordered Legends
  166. Introducing the Decomposition Tree Visualisation
  167. More on the Decomposition Tree Visualisation
  168. Even More on the Decomposition Tree Visualisation
  169. Maximum and Minimum Levels on a Line Chart
  170. Maximum and Minimum Points on a Line Chart
  171. Revisiting Built-In Gauge Charts
  172. Gauge Visualisation – Presenting Percentages
  173. Calculating Monthly % Change
  174. Calculating Monthly % Change Update
  175. Share and Collaborate in Excel for the web Connected to Power BI
  176. Smart Narratives Now Generally Available
  177. Monthly New Customers
  178. Dynamic Headers
  179. CALENDAR tables
  180. Q&A Improvements for Inferred Results
  181. Select All Operation Now Supported for Dynamic M Query Parameters
  182. Draw a Line
  183. Leave a Line
  184. Access-ible Returns Part 1
  185. Access-ible Returns Part 2
  186. Access-ible Returns Part 3
  187. Power BI Desktop Installer Changes and WebView2
  188. Power Automate Visual Preview
  189. Sharing Q&A Synonyms
  190. New Way of Expressing Date and DateTime Values
  191. Power BI REST API Support for DAX Queries
  192. Data Formatting
  193. “X” and “Non-X” functions in DAX
  194. New Formatting Options for Buttons
  195. Insights Now in Preview in Power BI
  196. All in Order
  197. Conference Planning Part 1
  198. Conference Planning Part 2
  199. Dating Part 1
  200. Dating Part 2
  201. Dating Part 3
  202. New Format Pane
  203. New Page and Bookmark Navigators
  204. Pie and Donut Chart Rotation
  205. Scorecards and Power BI Goals
  206. QR Codes with URL Parameters for Power BI Mobile
  207. Sparklines in Preview
  208. Improvements to Power BI Mobile
  209. Hybrid Tables in Power BI Premium
  210. Dating Part 4
  211. Dating Part 5
  212. Dating Part 6
  213. Roles with no Insight
  214. New Format Pane, Still in Preview, Now on by Default
  215. Parameter Typo
  216. Power BI Goals Updated
  217. Fully Imported
  218. Refreshing to Change
  219. Not Imported
  220. Dynamic Format Strings Now Supported for All Chart Elements
  221. Error Bars in Preview
  222. Power BI Goals – Custom Statuses and Team Notifications
  223. More Updates for the New Format Pane
  224. Bookmark Navigator
  225. Push Notifications on Mobile Applications
  226. Locating Links
  227. Power BI Known Issues Page
  228. Canvas Zoom
  229. Field Parameters
  230. Data Point Rectangle Select
  231. Exportable Formatted Data Tables in Power BI Service
  232. Power BI Metrics
  233. Data Hub
  234. Datamarts
  235. Recent Improvements to the Power BI Experience in Excel
  236. New DAX Function - NETWORKDAYS
  237. Metric Visuals Updated
  238. Composite Models and Dynamic M Query Parameters Part 1
  239. Composite Models and Dynamic M Query Parameters Part 2
  240. Composite Models and Dynamic M Query Parameters Part 3
  241. More on Datamarts
  242. Field Parameters – Part 1
  243. Field Parameters – Part 2
  244. Field Parameters – Part 3
  245. Field Parameters – Part 4
  246. Auto-Generate Reports on Existing Datasets in Power BI Service
  247. Display Names for Summarized Fields
  248. Hierarchical Axis (by default)
  249. Quick Measure Suggestions (an Experimental Feature)
  250. Row-Level Security (RLS) – Part 1
  251. Row-Level Security (RLS) – Part 2
  252. Row-Level Security (RLS) – Part 3
  253. Datamarts – Part 1
  254. Datamarts – Part 2
  255. Datamarts – Part 3
  256. Datamarts – Part 4
  257. Datamarts – Part 5
  258. Datamarts – Part 6
  259. Datamarts – Part 7
  260. Datamarts – Part 8
  261. Controlling and Customising Labels on Azure Maps
  262. Creating Dynamic Slicers using Field Parameters
  263. Linked Metrics
  264. New Way to Upload Power BI and Excel Files
  265. Optimize Ribbon
  266. Subscribe to a Report with Filters Applied
  267. Unshared and Unsynchronised Axes for Small Multiples Charts
  268. Connected Excel Tables
  269. Conditional Formatting Based upon String Fields
  270. Page Navigator Visual
  271. Themes in Power BI
  272. Enhanced Row Level Security Editor
  273. LINEST and LINESTX Now Added to Power BI
  274. New Get Data Experience in Power BI Service
  276. Power BI Dataflows – Part 1
  277. Power BI Dataflows – Part 2
  278. Apply all Slicers Button
  279. Visual Container Improvements
  280. Email Subscriptions
  281. New Styling for the Format Pane
  282. On-Object Interaction
  283. Composite Models on Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services Models
  284. Dynamic Format Strings for Measures
  285. ORDERBY Revamped
  286. RANK and ROWNUMBER (New DAX Functions)
  287. Optimizing the Ribbon
  288. Azure Maps
  289. Power BI Desktop with Files in OneDrive and SharePoint
  290. New DAX Function MATCHBY
  291. Better Custom Visuals
  292. Considering Mobile Layout
  293. Choosing Start-Up Content on Power BI Mobile
  294. Power BI Connected Tables
  295. The Magic of Dynamic Legends
  296. Multiple Tooltips in one Visual
  297. DAX Function Changes to MINX and MAXX
  298. Editing Linguistic Relationships in Q&A Setup
  299. Combining Double Headers
  300. Labelling Growth on a Line Chart – Part 1
  301. Labelling Growth on a Line Chart – Part 2
  302. Labelling Growth on a Line Chart – Part 3
  303. Customised Deployment Pipelines
  304. Date Hierarchy Updates
  305. New Features for Editing Relationships
  306. Model Explorer in Preview Part 1
  307. Model Explorer in Preview Part 2
  308. DAX Query View
  309. More on DAX Query View
  310. De-duplication Rules for Composite Models
  311. Power BI Desktop – One Drive and SharePoint Integration
  312. Power BI Home in Desktop
  313. Narrative Visual with Copilot
  314. Highlight Event Periods – Part 1
  315. Highlight Event Periods – Part 2
  316. Explore in Power BI Service
  317. Suggested Synonyms from Copilot
  318. Button Slicers
  319. Reference Labels
  320. Show Visuals as Tables
  321. The Pane Switcher
  322. Storytelling in PowerPoint
  323. Visual Calculations in Preview
  324. More on Visual Calculations Part 1
  325. More on Visual Calculations Part 2
  326. Autocreating a Mobile Layout
  327. Editing Your Data Model in Power BI Service
  328. Selection Expressions for Calculation Groups
  329. Writing DAX Queries in DAX Query View with Copilot
  330. Refreshing Time on Power BI Service – Part 1
  331. Refreshing Time on Power BI Service – Part 2
  332. The Duo Chart – Part 1
  333. The Duo Chart – Part 2
  334. DAX Queries Explained with Copilot
  335. Managing Relationships
  336. Power BI Blog: Building a Threshold Column Chart
  337. Power BI Blog: Customising a Threshold Column Chart
  338. Power BI Home in Power BI Desktop
  339. New INFO Functions
  340. Power BI Enhanced Report Format (PBIR)
