Power BI Blog: Q&A Row Level Security
20 September 2018
As we promised in our recent newsletter, we’ll be spending the next couple of months talking about some of the new Power BI features that are being rolled out.
This week involves a follow-up to last week’s Q&A update. Previously, we’ve mentioned that Q&A on the Power BI Service is disabled when you switch on Row Level Security. However, a change is being made that gives users access to the row-level secured data within the Q&A environment.
As this is rolling out across the Power BI Service throughout September, you can test how it works using the “View as Roles” setting in the latest edition of Power BI Desktop.

In this example, we’ve set up a New Role that only includes data where the Country is Australia. If I load up Q&A normally, this will generally give me a map that doesn’t restrict the data at all.

However, if I click on “View as Roles” and choose my “New Role” that I set up, then charts that I set up will be restricted to the data that meets the criteria applied. Creating a new chart using Q&A now will give me a map focusing on Australia only:

Of course, once this hits your Power BI tenant, this will automatically apply to anyone that you share your dashboards with, using the roles that you have put in place.
See you next week for more new features and tips!