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Professor Aswath Damodaran

28 September 2016

It’s not every day you get to meet a legend. Probably sitting in the Top 1 of valuation experts in the world...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AVERAGEA Function

26 September 2016

Have you heard of the AVERAGEA function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

Excel at Monopoly #4: Payoff periods

23 September 2016

Apologies for the break, but we’re back and ready to talk more Monopoly, just in time for the turn in the weather!

SumProduct in Toronto

21 September 2016

As promised, SumProduct is coming to Toronto on Thursday and presenting at the ModelOff GTC on Friday morning....

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AVERAGE Function

19 September 2016

This is quite an ordinary function; indeed, it is distinctly average...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AVEDEV Function

16 September 2016

I thought AVEDEV was an Indian cricket captain from the 1980’s. Apparently not. However, the definition of this statistical function may knock you for six...

Gene Very Angry with Excel

14 September 2016

Now this is funny. Well, if it wasn’t important it would be. A bad workman always blames his / her tools, but sometimes the problem lies squarely with the interface between computer and chair…

A to Z of Excel Functions: The ATANH Function

12 September 2016

It’s time to talk a complete load of hyperbolics...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The ATAN2 Function

9 September 2016

Have you heard of the ATAN2 function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

On the Road - North East America

7 September 2016

SumProduct is going to be in New York and Toronto in mid to late September!
