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A to Z of Excel Functions: The BASE Function

21 October 2016

This function converts a number into a text representation with the given radix (base). Clear as mud if you speak gobbledygook...

Excel at Monopoly #5: VBA simulation and review

19 October 2016

I said that the last Monopoly blog was going to be the last, but there was one last bit that ties it all up, and casts a question mark over everything we’ve done.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BAHTTEXT Function

17 October 2016

Every now and then we unveil a pearl of a function, one that will rock your world and make you wonder how you ever lived without it. Today’s function is probably not going to be on that list for those outside of Thailand.

Out and About with CPA: Auckland and Brisbane Next Week

14 October 2016

In conjunction with CPA Australia, SumProduct’s Liam Bastick and Tim Heng are both out and about providing Masterclass training for accountants in Australia and New Zealand...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AVERAGEIFS Function

12 October 2016

Have you heard of the AVERAGEIFS function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

Excel at Tetris..?

10 October 2016

Fellow Microsoft Excel MVP Felipe Costa Gualberto has clearly had too much time on his hands recently. He’s created a Tetris Excel game for fun...

SumProduct Presenting at GTC New York!

7 October 2016

This week, Tim Heng from our Sydney office is over in New York, presenting at the ModelOff Global Training Camp.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AVERAGEIF Function

5 October 2016

Have you heard of the AVERAGEIF Function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

Monday Morning Mulling: September Challenge

3 October 2016

On the final Friday of each month, set an Excel for you to puzzle over for the weekend. On the Monday, we publish one suggested solution. No-one is stating this is the best approach, it’s just the one we selected. If you don’t like it, lump it – or contact us...

Final Friday Fix: September Challenge

30 September 2016

On the final Friday of each month, we’re going to set Excel for you to puzzle over so that you can get your “Excel fix”. Challenge your office colleagues to see who can solve the puzzle quickest...
