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Power Query: Getting Started

21 December 2016

Our new Power Query blog continues. Today we look at manipulating a simple CSV file...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BIN2DEC Function

19 December 2016

This function converts a binary number (base two) to a decimal number (base 10)...

A New Course, Of Course

16 December 2016

This week saw the successful completion of the first running of our new three-day training course, the catchily-titled “Power Pivot, Power Query and Power BI”. Yes, maybe we need to change the name. We’ll get back to you on that one.

Power Query: Installing and Updating

14 December 2016

Continuing our Power Query blog. Today installing and updating Power Query...

London Trip Update

12 December 2016

Penultimate trip of the year over! SumProduct’s Liam Bastick has been on the road for the past four months and may be looking forward to the Christmas break, but he still had work to do in London setting up training courses and conferences for 2017 (more on that next year) as well as presenting at ModelOff’s Global Training Camo down in Docklands..

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BETAINV Function

9 December 2016

Almost the same as last time’s function (BETA.INV), here at SumProduct, we like to demonstrate it’s not just TV companies that show repeats. Almost the same as last time’s function, here at SumProduct, we like to demonstrate it’s not just TV companies that show repeats. Almost the same as last time’s function, here at SumProduct, we like to demonstrate it’s not just TV companies that show repeats…

Power Query: A Refreshing Approach to ETL (get it?)

7 December 2016

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we introduce Power Query...

Newsletter Turns Four

5 December 2016

Who would have thought? December 1 2012 we published our first monthly newsletter. It was only two pages – what a con!! Four years later, the newsletter has ballooned ten-fold to be a 20-page epic with the MD not having aged a day (yeah right – isn’t it time you updated that picture Liam? Ed.).

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BETA.INV Function

2 December 2016

In probability theory and statistics, the beta distribution is a family of continuous probability distributions defined on the interval [0, 1] parametrised by two positive shape parameters, denoted by ? (alpha) and ? (beta), that appear as exponents of the random variable and control the shape of the distribution...

Out and About in London

30 November 2016

Early December sees us in London for client meetings, presentations on Power BI and Excel Tricks & Tips (5 and 6 December) for Microsoft at the Global Training Camp and possibly taking in the finals of ModelOff as well (we’re still waiting on our invite there…)...
