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A to Z of Excel Functions: The ASC Function

15 August 2016

Do you know about the ASC function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

Buggin' Out #8: AutoRecovery is a Real Pane in Excel 2016

14 August 2016

In Excel 2016, if the application crashes, the AutoRecovery pane will not necessarily appear immediately when the program is restarted.

Buggin' Out #7: Custom Sort Lists Issue in Excel 2016

13 August 2016

The Custom Lists dialog box (File -> Options -> Advanced -> Edit Custom Lists) allows you to add filter lists, with multiple items entered using the ENTER key between items. Recently, it has been reported that the ENTER key stopped registering properly and does not function as expected.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AREAS Function

12 August 2016

Have you used the AREAS function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

Buggin' Out #6: Save or Export to PDF Crashes Excel

11 August 2016

When you try to save or export your document as a PDF file, Excel 2016 crashes (in fact, this happens for Word 2016 too).

Version Aversion

10 August 2016

A question that keeps cropping up is the question, “What version of Excel do I have?” so we thought we ought to help out....

Buggin' Out #5: Corrupted Data Validation Drop Down Lists

9 August 2016

Spreadsheet users have noted that workbooks that have multiple sheets containing list-based Data Validation sometimes get corrupted or have a drop-down list which gets duplicated.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The ARABIC Function

8 August 2016

Now this is more like it. We finally get to one of those useful Excel functions you simply cannot live without...

Buggin' Out #4: HTML Files with .xls

7 August 2016

Users have reported that HTML files with .xls extensions are not opening outside Protected View in Excel 2010, 2013 or 2016.

Buggin' Out #3: Excel File Extensions Not Recognised

6 August 2016

Some users have reported that when you try to open an .xls or .xlsx file in Excel 2016, it does not recognise the file extension. Consequently, it is not opened as an Excel file and, worse, Excel may not appear in the list of applications to choose from.
