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Power BI Blog: Visting Ideas

4 October 2018

Last week, we had a training session where someone suggested a great idea for an improvement to Power BI. That gave us a great idea – October is going to be Ideas month for our Power BI blog!

Power Query: Let It Be

3 October 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at (some of the most) simple M statements.

Power Pivot Principles: Introducing the CLOSINGBALANCEMONTH Function

2 October 2018

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we introduce the CLOSINGBALANCEMONTH function.

Challenges: Monday Morning Mulling: September 2018 Challenge

1 October 2018

Welcome to this month’s Monday Morning Mulling! Last week, we set a challenge that has stumped project finance specialists worldwide – how do you set up an upfront or establishment fee for a debt facility, in a way that updates automatically and doesn’t require a macro to run it or to switch on iterative calculations?

Challenges: Final Friday Fix: September 2018 Challenge

28 September 2018

Welcome to this month’s Final Friday Fix! This month we’re going to delve into the world of project finance, and in particular, look at the issue of construction funding – in particular, the problem of what to do when there is an upfront cost based on some total financed amount.

Power BI Blog: M Intellisense

27 September 2018

As we promised in our recent newsletter, we’ll be spending the next couple of months talking about some of the new Power BI features that are being rolled out.

Power Query: Erasing Errors

26 September 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at how to deal with imported errors.

Power Pivot Principles: How to Refresh Data in Power Pivot

25 September 2018

Welcome back to our Power Pivot blog. Today, we go over how to refresh data in Power Pivot.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The DOLLARFR Function

24 September 2018

Welcome back to our regular A to Z of Excel Functions blog. Today we look at the DOLLARFR function.

VBA Blogs: Going Through the Visual Basics – Part 7

21 September 2018

We thought we’d run an elementary series going through the rudiments of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as a springboard for newer users. This blog looks at declaring variables.
