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A to Z of Excel Functions: The CEILING.MATH Function

10 April 2017

This function sounds like something you calculate whilst swinging from the chandeliers...

VBA Blogs: Declaring Variables

7 April 2017

One of the most useful things you can do in VBA is to store values in the program’s memory, so that you can use it in the future...

Power Query: Excel(lent) functions

5 April 2017

Over the last few weeks I have shown some of the tasks that can be achieved with M language and functions. Today I look at how to replicate some familiar Excel formulas.

Monday Morning Mulling – March 2017

3 April 2017

Last week, we looked at a strange event – in certain cases when you are creating running totals, Power Query stores the number in strange ways....

Final Friday Fix – March 2017

31 March 2017

In celebration of having published three full months of Power Query blog articles, we’re dedicating the March Final Friday Fix to a Power Query problem!

Power Query: One Route to a Running Total

29 March 2017

Welcome to our latest Power Query blog. Last time I looked at row level operators and simplifying bulky code. Today I combine two list functions to show one method to achieve a running total.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CEILING Function

27 March 2017

Have you reached your CEILING?

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CUMIPMT Function

26 March 2017

This function returns the cumulative interest paid (“cumulative interest payment”) on a loan between a designated start_period and end_period given a constant periodic discount rate...

Power Query: A Summary Taster

24 March 2017

At the end of that article, I had made some changes to a query of mine, ‘ACCT_Order_Charges_with_Group’. I will be making more changes, but to avoid causing problems to the grouping query, I will create a copy of the query.

VBA Blogs: If I use VBA Then I get better at it!

24 March 2017

This week, we’re going to cover the use of the IF statement in VBA. This is a very useful tool to help apply conditional rules in macros...
