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Monday Morning Mulling: April Challenge

1 May 2017

On Friday, I stated that a positive integer (whole number) is said to be prime if only two different numbers divide it: one and itself.

Final Friday Fix: April Challenge

28 April 2017

Are You in the Prime of Your Excel Knowledge? A positive integer (whole number) is said to be prime if only two different numbers divide it: one and itself.

How do I Install Power Query?

27 April 2017

Every month we welcome new readers to our website and newsletter, so a very common question we get is, “…I see you mention a lot of useful things with Power Query. I have Excel, but don’t seem to have Power Query – how do I get it?”...

Power Query: Aggregating Aggravating Worksheets

26 April 2017

I begin in a workbook that contains three worksheets. Each of the worksheets has been populated with a table of expenses information...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CELL Function

24 April 2017

With our A t Z of Excel Functions series, you could argue we have been trying to make a soft CELL (get it?).

VBA Blogs: Unhiding and Unprotecting Sheets

21 April 2017

Today, we’re going to look at a common application of VBA involving a range of skills that we’ve gone through...

Power Query: Calendar Creation – Going for Dates

19 April 2017

As I described in Calendar Creation – Preparing for Dates building a calendar using Power Query is a collaboration between Excel and Power Query. Read this article to find out how!..

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CEILING.PRECISE Function

17 April 2017

Do you know where your CEILING is precisely?? If not, this function won’t help you.

VBA Blogs: For Loops

14 April 2017

Last week, we showed you how to declare variables. This week, we’re going to use a variable to create a loop. Let’s introduce the For loop.

Power Query: Calendar Creation – Preparing for Dates

12 April 2017

Building a calendar using Power Query is a collaboration between Excel and Power Query...
