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Power Query Blogs

Power Query Blogs

Power Query: It’s Good to Share (a Query)

17 January 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I take a look at exporting queries to other workbooks in Power Query or Get and Transform.Regular readers will know that this blog is now constructed in Excel 2016 and therefore uses ‘Get and Transform’. In most cases, it’s...

Power Query: Querying Query Options

10 January 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week, I look at the ‘Query Options’ screen and what it can do for me.

Power Query: Rapidly Renaming Columns

3 January 2018

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week I look at renaming many columns in one step.

Power Query: Customising Custom Built Functions

27 December 2017

Welcome to our Power Query blog. This week I look at how to customise function descriptions by using M function meta-data.

Power Query: Powerless Pivot

20 December 2017

Power Query and Power Pivot work well together, however Power Query is not exclusive to Power Pivot though, as it may be used with ordinary PivotTables. There is a good reason for doing this too...

Power Query: Cleanse, Tone and Upload

13 December 2017

This week I look at combining several Power Query functions in order to standardise some incoming data...

Power Query: Pivot the Blanks

6 December 2017

The scenario is familiar, a huge Excel table comes in with lots of columns and rows, but in some cases a column or row is empty and it needs to be condensed...

Power Query: Blanking the Blanks

29 November 2017

A huge Excel table comes in with lots of columns and rows, but in some cases a column or row is completely empty, and the table needs to be condensed...

Power Query: Powering Through Issues

22 November 2017

Sometimes, I am happily working away in Power Query when I hit a problem. Features are not there when I need them, something I’m sure should have worked doesn’t...

Power Query: Birthday Lists

15 November 2017

Since I have reached the milestone of my 50th issue, I have covered a whole list of Power Query features. Talking of lists… (it’s an ellipsis, get it?)
