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VBA Blogs

VBA Blogs: Create text file from Excel table

5 July 2019

Welcome back to the VBA blog! This week we are going to expand on our blog from last week, relating to file path selectors.

VBA Blogs: File Path Selector confined to CSV

21 June 2019

Welcome back to the VBA blog! This week we are going to expand on our blog from last week, relating to file path selectors.

VBA Blogs: File Path Selector

14 June 2019

Welcome back to the VBA blog! This week we are going to cover something we had to do for one of our consulting jobs.

VBA Blogs: Shape References

7 June 2019

Welcome back to the VBA blog! This week we are going to cover something we’ve had to do in one of our consulting jobs. It is a little niche, but it may be a good source of inspiration for some of us.

VBA Blogs: Referring to Sheets

10 May 2019

Welcome back to the VBA blog! Last week, we looked at how referencing sheets can be fraught with peril in the event that sheet names change, and we showed how you can use the VBA sheet name to avoid that issue.

VBA Blogs: Common Traps 4

3 May 2019

Welcome back to the VBA blog series! We’re going to continue with last month’s blog theme, focusing on common errors and issues that people run into.

VBA Blogs: Common Traps 3

19 April 2019

Welcome to this week’s VBA blog! In line with previous months, we’re going to keep this month’s blogs on a theme, and this month’s theme is all about common errors and issues that people run into.

VBA Blogs: Common Traps 2

12 April 2019

Welcome to this week’s VBA blog! In line with previous months, we’re going to keep this month’s blogs on a theme, and this month’s theme is all about common errors and issues that people run into.

VBA Blogs: Common Traps 1

5 April 2019

Welcome to this week’s VBA blog! In line with previous months, we’re going to keep this month’s blogs on a theme, and this month’s theme is all about common errors and issues that people run into.

VBA Blogs: Charts and Macros 4

22 March 2019

Welcome back to this week’s VBA blog! This month, we have been looking at the interaction between charts and macros.
