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A To Z of Excel Functions

A To Z of Excel Functions

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CORREL Function

23 October 2017

Do we need to corral you regarding CORREL? If you say no, we might get into a fight concerning the OK corral… Anyway…

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CONFIDENCE.T Function

9 October 2017

Welcome back to our regular A to Z of Excel Functions blog. Today we look at the CONFIDENCE.T function.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CONFIDENCE.NORM Function

6 October 2017


A to Z of Excel Functions: The CONFIDENCE Function

25 September 2017

Do you need more CONFIDENCE in your Excel files?...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CONCATENATE Function

22 September 2017

IMPORTANT: In Excel 2016, Excel Mobile, and Excel Online, this function has been replaced with the CONCAT function (see the last functions blog). Although the CONCATENATE function is still available for backward compatibility, you should consider using CONCAT from now on.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The CONCAT Function

18 September 2017

More and more users are migrating to the Office 365 subscription model and with that comes great power, well Excel 2016 anyway. And some versions of Office 365 Excel 2016 are getting six new functions to play with. The roll-out started in late February 2016 and continues to this very day.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COMPLEX Function

15 September 2017

Imagine this complex function. This function converts real and imaginary coefficients into a complex number of the form x + yi or x + yj, where i or j denotes the square root of -1....

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COMBINA Function

4 September 2017

This function returns the number of combinations (with repetitions) for a given number of items.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The COMBIN Function

1 September 2017

Are you often COMBIN the Excel functions to see how many subsets you can make? This function returns the number of combinations for a given number of items (i.e. the number of distinct subsets of items where order is unimportant). You should use COMBIN to determine the total possible number of groups for a given number of items.
