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A to Z of Excel Functions: The CUBESETCOUNT Function

19 March 2018

Welcome back to our regular A to Z of Excel Functions blog. Today we look at the CUBESETCOUNT function.


When the workbook is connected to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or later data source, this function returns the number of items in a set.

The CUBESETCOUNT function employs the following syntax to operate:


The CUBESETCOUNT function has the following arguments:

  • set: this is required and represents a text string of a Microsoft Excel expression that evaluates to a set defined by the CUBESET function
  • set can also be the CUBESET function, or a reference to a cell that contains the CUBESET function.

It should be further noted that:

  • the CUBESETCOUNT function is supported only when the workbook is connected to a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services or later data source
  • when the CUBESETCOUNT function evaluates, it temporarily displays a "#GETTING_DATA…" message in the cell before all of the data is retrieved.

Please see my examples below: 



=CUBESETCOUNT(CUBESET("Sales","[Product].[All Products].Children","Products",1,"[Measures].[Sales Amount]"))


We’ll continue our A to Z of Excel Functions soon.  Keep checking back – there’s a new blog post every business day.
