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Buggin' Out #2: Opening Excel Files After Upgrading to Excel 2016

4 August 2016

Some users have experienced problems opening files due to file association errors after upgrading to Office 2016.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AND Function

3 August 2016

My old English teacher said you should never start or finish a sentence with the word “and”. AND is one of several Excel logic functions (others include NOT, OR and XOR)...

Buggin' Out #1: Hyperlinks in Excel .xls Files

2 August 2016

Some users have discovered that old Excel 2003 / earlier (.xls) files containing hyperlinks open in Protected View after having been saved on a Windows 10 machine.

Monday Morning Mulling: July Challenge

1 August 2016

On the final Friday of each month, we set an Excel for you to puzzle over for the weekend. On the Monday, we publish one suggested solution...

Windows 10: Happy Anniversary!

30 July 2016

What is it with birthdays at the moment?

Final Friday Fix: July Challenge

29 July 2016

On the final Friday of each month, we’re going to set Excel for you to puzzle over so that you can get your “Excel fix”...

Happy Birthday Internet!

28 July 2016

What are you doing to celebrate the internet tonight? The Arbiter of All Things Knowledgeable (i.e. Dr. Google) has decreed that today is the 10,000th day of the internet. Yes, that's right: nobody knew anything before March 1989. Conclusive proof that the moon...

Excel 2010 Security Update May Be Causing Add-In Issues

28 July 2016

Several clients working with Excel 2010 have reported that some add-ins are not displaying (correctly) on their Ribbons. One workaround appears to be to go to the Add-In dialog box (ALT + T + I) and disable the affected add-ins, close the dialog and then repeat the...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The AMORLINC Function

27 July 2016

Have you used the AMORLINC function? Let’s see if this function will come in handy for you…

Changing the Way We Look at Pokémon Go

25 July 2016

Those of us in the Sydney office have noticed a change on the streets of the city. A new breed of inhabitants has popped up on every street corner...
