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A to Z of Excel Functions: The BINOMDIST Function

16 January 2017

Almost the same as last time’s function, here at SumProduct, we like to demonstrate it’s not just TV companies that show repeats. Almost the same as last time’s function, here at SumProduct, we like to demonstrate it’s not just TV companies that show repeats. Almost the same as last time’s function, here at SumProduct, we like to demonstrate it’s not just TV companies that show repeats…

VBA Blogs: Introduction to VBA

13 January 2017

If you’ve never used macros but want to understand how they work, this series is for you...

Power BI Blog: Introduction to Power BI

11 January 2017

Welcome to the very first post in our new Power BI blog series! Power BI is a tool produced by Microsoft that is designed to assist people with creating business intelligence solutions

Power Query: Painless Unpivoting

11 January 2017

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we unpivot data ready to append it to a query...

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BINOM.DIST Function

9 January 2017

In probability theory and statistics, the binomial distribution with parameters n and p is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of n independent success / failure experiments, each of which yields success with probability p.

A to Z of Excel Functions: The BIN2OCT Function

6 January 2017

This function converts a binary number (base two) to an octal number (base eight)...

Power Query: One Folder, One Query

4 January 2017

Welcome our new Power Query blog. Today we extract multiple files from a folder...

Monday Morning Mulling: December 2016

2 January 2017

Welcome again to 2017! Last week, at the end of December, we asked if you could create a chart that would have the number format of the chart axis dynamically change when the values being charted increase or decrease.

Happy New Year 2017!!

1 January 2017

Wherever you are in the world, all of us here at SumProduct would like to extend the season’s greetings to you, wherever you may be. We hope you have an EXCELlent time and a prosperous New Year.

Final Friday Fix: December 2016

30 December 2016

Here at SumProduct, we often get asked some pretty tough challenges – the ones that you typically can’t find answers to online. So it pleased us that there was an interesting question that we were asked earlier this month that deserves to appear in our Friday Fix series, and serves as a worthy end-of-year challenge.
