April 2023 Updates for Power BI
13 April 2023

Power BI Desktop is now fully supported on Azure Virtual Desktop (formerly Windows Virtual Desktop) and Windows 365. But that isn’t all. There are also updates to the Preview feature On-object that was announced in last month’s newsletter and dynamic format strings for measures. And there are also additional features in Reporting, Data Connectivity, Service, Paginated Reports, Mobile and Visualizations.
The full list is as follows:
- Dynamic format strings for measures in Preview
- On-object interaction: updates in Preview
- New ToolTip auto-scale in Preview
- Update to Quick Measure Suggestions in Preview
- Composite models on Power BI Datasets and Analysis Services models now Generally Available
- Updates to the ORDERBY function
- New DAX functions: RANK and ROWNUMBER
Data Connectivity
- Oracle database (connector update)
- New features to Deployment Pipeline:
- View schema changes line-by-line
- Choose whether to continue the deployment in case of a failure
- Storytelling in PowerPoint: new Style option
- Visualising views in Power Apps with Power BI Quick Report is now enabled by default
Paginated Reports
- Paginated Reports feature summary
- Enhanced ToolTips on visuals in the Power BI Mobile app
- Hierarchies are now supported in the Power BI Mobile app
- Acterys Reporting Suite 3.0: reporting
- Box and Whisker Chart by MAQ Software
- Feature summary for Drill Down Graph PRO
- DualCard visual.
As always, we'll be detailing these updates in our May newsletter. Please remember we have virtual / online training in Power BI which you can find out more about here. If you are not already a subscriber, why not sign up at the bottom of any SumProduct web page? And don't forget to download the latest version of Power BI Desktop here too.