Amsterdam Excel Summit – April 2015
19 January 2015
It has been a busy time for us over the Christmas and New Year period with various meetings / discussions held around the globe in London, Los Angeles, Rome and Melbourne amongst others, to name drop a few places. Indeed, Liam Bastick caught up with fellow Excel Microsoft MVPs Jan Karel (pictured left) and Tony de Jonker (centre) in Amsterdam to discuss the forthcoming European Excel Summit recently.
For our readers based in Europe, coordinators Jan Karel and Tony have been scheduling a two-day event in Amsterdam. It will consist of a series of 75-minute interactive sessions presented by various MVPs from around the globe on Monday 13 April and Tuesday 14 April. The final set list is expected to include contributions from an array of MVPs (is that the appropriate collective noun for Excel MVPs?) Yigal Edery, Roger Govier, Jon Peltier, Ken Puls, Henk Vlootman, Charles Williams, Jan Karel, Tony and Liam. It is possible others will be presenting also as full details have not been finalised at the time of writing. Topics will include sessions on Charting, Checking Your Excel Models, PivotTables, Power BI, Power Pivot, Power Query, Power BI, SQL, Valuation Modelling, VBA and Working with Multiple Criteria.
The 2014 Summit proved to be a sell-out and early indications are that 2015 will be even bigger and better. If you are interested to learn more, check out their website at Amsterdam Excel Summit 2015.