Accounting versus taxation
Tax transcends accounting assumptions as many of the calculations involve objective computations, as prescribed by tax authorities. This course explains why more focus has been placed on modelling tax over the years, and how it should best be modelled.
Understanding the different aspects of tax
In the past, tax was often modelled as x% x Net Profit Before Tax. But this approach is no longer appropriate. This course explains both the more elementary notions of permanent differences, timing differences, tax losses and deferred tax; but then goes on to consider the extended concepts of tax groups, thin capitalisation, base cost setting; and the impact of setting up a foreign branch rather than a foreign subsidiary.
Key benefits
- Become more confident in using Excel
- Learn keyboard and mouse shortcuts designed to get you working smarter in Excel
- Use the key functions and functionalities that professional modellers utilise on a daily basis.
Programme outline
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Absolute and relative references
- Key functions
- Using range names
- The difference between formats and styles
- Other types of formatting
- Data validation versus controls
- PivotTables
- Using charts
- Creating hyperlinks
- Care with saving files.
Who should attend
All finance professionals who need to understand the tax consequences of the strategic decisions made by businesses. Aimed at analysts, tax professionals and management accountants, this course may also be pertinent for financial controllers and chief financial officers.