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VBA Blogs: Going Through the Visual Basics – Part 15

7 December 2018

We thought we’d run an elementary series going through the rudiments of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) as a springboard for newer users.  This blog takes a WHILE to get going...


In a programming, a control structure determines the order in which statements are executed.  The iteration control structure is used for repetitively executing a block of code multiple times.  

The iteration structure executes a sequence of statements repeatedly if a condition holds true.  One such type is WHILE

The WHILE…WEND loop executes a series of statements as long as a given condition is True.  The syntax is very simple: 

While condition



The condition must result in a Boolean value of True or FalseWHILE tests the condition and if it is True then proceeds to execute the statements inside the loop. 

Sub WhileWend()

    Dim counter As Integer

    counter = 0

    While counter < 5

        counter = counter + 1

        Debug.Print counter


End Sub

While loops are preferred when the number of iterations is unknown.  For example, modelling how many days it takes to reach sales a target, or running through a worksheet column until it reaches an empty cell.

Notice how the condition is tested first – this means that the code will not run at all if the condition is not met.  WHILE…WEND is a remnant from BASIC where VBA originated from.  These are not as powerful as DO…LOOP (covered soon).
