Power Query: Words are Key
29 August 2018
Welcome to our Power Query blog. Last week’s blog looked at how to use list functionality to translate numerical grades into their letter equivalents. This week, I use another List() function to look for multiple keywords in columns of data.
I have a series of comments recorded by my salespeople after attending sales conferences. I would like to analyse the comments to see where there needs to be some follow-up.

I plan to use the M function List.ContainsAny():
List.ContainsAny(list as list, values as list,optional equationCriteria as any) as logical
This returns true if any item in values is found in a list.
The first step is to create a list of keywords. I can either do this by creating a manual list from a blank query or I can convert a table. In this case, I will create a table in Excel and then convert it in Power Query.

I choose ‘From Table’ in the ‘Get & Transform’ section on the ‘Data’ tab.

Having defined my table, I can now convert it to a list by using the ‘Convert to List’ option in the ‘Any Column’ section on the ‘Transform’ tab.

I save my list as ‘Connection Only’ from the ‘Close & Load’ dropdown on the ‘Home’ (or ‘File’) tab.

I can now create a query for my main table.

As I plan to use a list function, I need to convert the Comments column to a list. However, if I use the GUI functionality for this, the other columns will disappear:

Instead, I need to create some functionality in M that will treat the Comments column as a list. Last week, I looked at a function called Text.Split():
Text.Split(string as text, separator as text) as list
This returns a list containing parts of a string that are delimited by a separator text value.
Before I convert Comments to a list, I make sure everything is lowercase, so that my comparison will work. I can do this by right-clicking my column and picking the appropriate ‘Transform’ option.

I can now create a custom column from the ‘Add Column’ section.

The M functionality I have used is
= Text.Split([Comments]," ")
This creates a list of words by splitting at the space.

I can now create another custom column to compare values.

The M functionality I have used is
= List.ContainsAny([Comments_List], Keywords)

I now have a Follow-Up column that tells me which contact needs further attention.
Come back next time for more ways to use Power Query!