Newsletter Turns Four
5 December 2016
Who would have thought? December 1 2012 we published our first monthly newsletter. It was only two pages – what a con!! Four years later, the newsletter has ballooned ten-fold to be a 20-page epic with the MD not having aged a day (yeah right – isn’t it time you updated that picture Liam? Ed.).

Even as biased protagonists, it does seem amazing to be able to produce such a document every month all about something as – well, quite frankly – mundane as a newsletter extolling the virtues of Excel, it’s related add-ins and associated applications. Wow, can we waffle on!
If you haven’t already started subscribing to our newsletter don’t you think it’s time you should? Clearly, it’s not going away! Add your name and details at the bottom of any SumProduct webpage and you can join both of our other readers already on the mailing list.