Momentous Day in the US
9 November 2016
We may be a day late and a dollar short, but we haven’t completely had our heads in the sand. SumProduct’s own Liam Bastick is presently on the ground in Washington State as many Americans are forced to make a key decision today as to which of two paths to take.
Yes, that’s right. Over 2,000 MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) have headed for Redmond – some of them from the US – and many of them are having to decide today to find out what’s coming in either Excel or the Power BI suite. Which way to go? How will it affect their understanding for the next 12 months?

For some, well, it just gets too much. Perhaps a head in a dark towel is the answer. For Excel MVP and part-time Imperial Sith Lord, Darth Roger Govier, he has much to ponder with the information being presented at the five-day information share in the North West.
For antipodean readers, you can catch Roger Down Under next year as he will be one of the Excel experts descending to pass on his Excel wisdom. We’ll be making a formal announcement soon regarding personnel, details and dates about the Excel Summit South for those interested as well as passing on what we are allowed to convey in future blogs here. Watch this space!