Buggin' Out #2: Opening Excel Files After Upgrading to Excel 2016
4 August 2016
Microsoft updates means new and improved features, but it also means the odd bug slipping through. In this incidental series we cover some of the recent known issues that have cropped up and how to fix and / or circumvent them.
Opening Excel Files After Upgrading to Excel 2016
Some users have experienced problems opening files due to file association errors after upgrading to Office 2016.
To test whether you are affected by this known bug, perform the following steps:
- The file doesn’t open in the expected application. For instance, the workbook doesn’t open in Excel 2016 but instead opens in another application
- An error indicating a file association problem may occur. For example, you may get an error similar to “This file does not have a program associated with it…”.
To fix this file association problem, run a Quick Repair as follows:
- In Control Panel, choose Programs > Programs and Features
- Select the Office product you want to repair and then choose Change
- Choose the Quick Repair option and then choose Repair.
We will report on other bug fixes and workarounds as and when necessary. Hopefully, this will not be too regular a feature!! In the meantime, if you experience any Excel issues and require help, do feel free to drop us a line at contact@sumproduct.com - we can't promise to answer every question, but we'll try our best.